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Bishop Felton King

Bishop Felton King was born in a small town called Razor, Texas not far from Paris, Texas. He was the seventh son of Corine and Robert Lee King. Razor, Texas can probably be overlooked on the map if it appears at all, but because for the blessed event that took place there on March 10, 1915, it holds special historical significance. There it was destined that the man-child named Fel at birth would become a great and notable preacher of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He was later named Felton by Mother Garrett, a traveling missionary.

He was saved from death as an infant when his mother almost smothered him, but God did not will that he should die. When Felton was 6 years old, he was brought to Arizona by his mother and stepfather in the year of 1921. Moving from one part of the valley to another to earn their living by picking cotton, there was very little time for academic education, because the cotton season and school year occurred at the same time of the year. He had very little formal education, and no skilled vocational training, but was highly educated under the tutelage of the Lord Jesus Christ in the school of "hard knocks" through extensive reading attested to the hundreds of books he possessed.

God's education system has the highest standards of any learning institution and he is unsurpassed as the Master Teacher. Through God's education process, he learned integrity truthfulness, kindness, and most of all charity, in which he exemplified greatly. He was "a student that went through extensive on the job training. He later attended the Arizona Baptist Institute" for some formal Christian educational training; In 1980, he received Honorary TheolOgical Doctorate Degree bestowed on him fromSt. Stevens Theological Seminary College, located in San Diego, California. In 2003 he received an additional Honorary Doctoral Degree in Theology from Phoenix Theological Seminary.

In 1921, at the age of 6 years old, he received his first Bible. After listening to his sister Bobbie Lee chastising him about telling stories (Lying) and also telling him how wonderful the saved life was, one evening about quitting time, as they were picking cotton, he decided to call on the Lord for himself. As he started to pray,. repentance, sanctification, the baptism of the Holy Ghost endowed him in such a way, it almost seemed simultaneously.  He became acquainted with the Church Of God In Christ at the age of 12 which was his first trip to the church, as he accompanied his mother and other family members. This was the beginning of much spiritfilled tims with the Lord.


His introduction to the church world began with menial task such as floor sweeping, dish washing, serving in the food and drink stands, and whatever was assigned to his hands to do. He was called to preach in 1934 while on a singing tour, as he read and expounded on Psa1m 100. Ordained in 1936, he served faithfully in the field of evangelism, sometimes as a part of a team, most often with the late Bishop W. J. Taylor as they partnered in this richly rewarding venture, both winning a great harvest of souls: For thirty years he worked as a member and head of the arrangement committee for the state meetings. Being a member of the Number One Church of God in Christ, and a young single preacher at the time, he began to travel alone after his friend and co laborer in the gospel went into the pastorate. Later, moving from the state of Arizona, he then traveled into several cities in California, where the Lord gave him some very successful revival meetings.



His pastoral work began with several brief trials. He was finally assigned to Church No.3 which was later known as Emmanuel Church Of God In Christ. After the proverbial furnace of trial that he went through in short stints in Casa Grande, Arizona, Caliptari, California, and Albuquerque, New Mexico, he returned to Phoenix, Arizona badly shaken but not totally defeated. The flame was still aglow, so he was afforded another opportunity to pastor by Bishop J.W Taylor in a place of special service. After being pastor of Church Number 3 for awhile, he married Sister Lorene Curry, who we now know as "Lady Lorene"; they were married for almost 66 years.  Times were lean in the beginning ... no people ... no money. Many times just he and Sister King and their son Felton Eugene (affectionately known as Bub) were the only ones in the service. Sister King even suggested that he lock up the little church and give the keys back to Bishop J. W Taylor, but the Lord did not concur with that reasoning, and gave him the grace to stay on the job. Although there were not many people, God was true to His word.  


 At the beginning of 1938, he met the then Elder E. E. Cleveland. Annual visits to the church began and revival fires began to bum, and the Lord sent many other evangelists to Emmanuel Church such as S.E. Mitchell, the late Bishop Willie James (the 'Boy Preacher'), T. A. Body, Leo Stalworth, Elder Sapp, Elder E.E. Cleveland Jr, Ernestine Cleveland Reems, and Mother Carol. Elder E. E. Cleveland and Elder Felton King became more than good friends, they became brothers and were inseparable through the years. There have been many others who have been a source of inspiration and strength through the years: first and foremost his Mother, now deceased, Corine Henderson, who loved him, prayed for him, chastised him, and taught him holy living and Godly standards; Mother Ola Garner, Bishop J. Wand Mother Ada Taylor, his sister Bobbie Lee Smith, and his sister-in-law, Sarah Jewell King, all deceased, were all great impacts upon his life.


Bishop King served State Y.P.WW president for 28 years, after resigning he served as Superintendent of Emmanuel District. On June 2, 1974, in State Convocation, God elevated him to the highest position in the state of Arizona, for the Churches of God in Christ, that of Jurisdictional Bishop.  God has greatly blessed and prospered the Jurisdiction through his leadership. Through the heartaches, disappointments, criticisms and ingratitudes, he was undaunted in his efforts to achieve loftier heights and depths for God and man. His leadership, care, concern and sacrificial love that he showed for God's little sheep and even those who were not of this fold has been remarkable.

Bishop King was loyal and dedicated to God and the Church. He was faithful and zealous in his support and labors in the local, district and state levels and was always an avid supporter and champion of the national Church of God In Christ. His love and devotion are unsurpassed his accomplishments in the community, city, and state have been impressive and outstanding. He was extremely generous, compassionate, and unselfish and devoted his time and service to others.. He was wise and understanding and if you sought to know him, you would come to love and respect him.

The Man, The Preacher, The Pastor and Bishop of the Arizona Jurisdiction for 28 years.
Long Live the Spirit of the King!

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