Even though Mary Louise was not always able to start school with the other children because of the cotton-picking season, when she did get to school, it took her no time to catch up and then excel in her classroom. After successfully graduating from high school, Mary Louise worked her way through her first two (2) years at Prairie View College . After getting married and having her first two children, Sister Anderson, answering to her calling as a Pastor’s Wife, followed her husband from the state of Texas to Buffalo , New York . With the north being quite different than the south, especially for the“Negroes”, Sister Anderson was not able to use her southern teaching certificate in New York . At that time she put her education on hold so that she could complete and raise her family of five (5) daughters, and spiritually, emotionally, and financially support her husband’s ministry.
When the youngest of Sister Anderson’s daughters was at the age where she could do her homework without “Mama” by her side, and the two (2) older girls could pitch in to help the younger three (3) with chores and homework, Sister Anderson enrolled in the University of Buffalo night school program to complete the required studies so that she could earn her bachelor’s degree. With that bachelor’s degree in hand, Sister Anderson did not stop nor did she slow down. Right away she began the required studies for her Master’s degree and as usual for “Mary Louise” she followed right on to obtain her doctorate.
I am not quite sure of which degree had what title but I do know that she had a degree in different areas, some were major and some were minor:
· English Literature
· Black Studies
· Black Writers
· African American Studies
· American Studies
· Poetry
Mother Anderson read so many books that it is unbelievable. She would see a book advertised on the television and get her credit card and two minutes later, the order had been placed. For the Women’s retreat every year in Western New York , she would get two (2) or three (3) books, read them, and then order enough for the retreat. Then she would send out letters to all churches announcing that the books were available and needed to be purchased. Reading/books were something that was part of her life. We learned early in life as little girls, don’t complain about being bored. If we did, we knew that a book would be put in our hands real quick. We had to go to the library once a week, and we dare not lose one (1) book because if we did, then the flesh paid for it.
Mama read from Shakespeare to Cosby. With her it was tears or laughter. My Mother had/has so many book cases at their Freedom Plaza residence and this is after my parents moved from their home into senior living. She gave away so many, many, many books and she still has enough to open her own library.
This idea that Mother Emma Bowen has for my Memory is just great, and so much like my mother that it is almost unbelievable. I hope that the saints from Arizona will appreciate Mother Bowen and the idea she has because it will be such enrichment to each and every one.
- Written by daughter, Sister Martha A. Young
Mother Mary Louise Anderson

Mother Mary Louise Fields Anderson was born on May 3, 1921 , in Hillsborough , Texas . She was the second child and second daughter to Superintendent Willie W. and Sister Johnnie Mae Fields. From the time that she was a little tyke, “Mary Louise” loved to read. Before she was really able to read, Mary would take books, newspaper, discarded mail, or anything else of that nature that she could get her hands on and pretend to read. The adults noticed that sometimes the articles were upside down, but that did not stop little Mary Louise. She would take that vivid imagination of hers and begin verbalizing (reading) in the same rhythm that one would use when reading in a classroom.

Emmanuel Church Of God In Christ