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Library:  A center of various books, CD’s and DVD’s with life-changing resources for those seeking personal growth.

Children Ministry:  We’re committed to creating Child-centered environment to train children through fun, activities, and modeling a positive attitude.

Youth Department Ministry: A youth centered environment committed to addressing the needs, interest, activities, growth both spiritually and naturally of the youth.  We offer assistance to families to help supplement care and training, by encouraging and promoting age appropriate and accurate programs in their development, and success for life.

Computer Room:  We provide the information system and support to search, train and serve with more efficiency and effectiveness in computer knowledge.
Heath e Arizona:  We serve our community by offering assistance to access service provided by DES.  We offer a private and secure place to apply and renew applications for food, cash and medical assistance offered by DES.

Emmanuel Social


Humanitarian Ministry

​Food Distribution:  Each week we provide food to families and the community at large.  We also provide hot meals each week to the homeless that are transported by our Bus Ministry.  And we have a Thanksgiving Feast each year to serve the homeless transported to and from our site and serving the community at large.

Clothes Distribution: We provide free clothing for men, women and children; for job interviews, school clothing and everyday wear.
Bus Ministry: We are committed to creating access to the community that wish to receive both spiritual and natural growth.  We serve those who are without transportation, near and far as well as various shelters, and transitional housing to worship, experience support and services offered by the programs.   We have two vans and one bus used to transport people who need transportation to our ministry and to transport the homeless to receive hot meals or to attend church service.

Summer Youth Program:  During summer months we offer a program for youth 4 years and up for daily activities.  We provide academics age appropriate, recreational and life skill programs. We prepare healthy and provide nutritional breakfast, lunch and snack.  We help to supplement the care and need of families.

Maricopa Workforce or other sites, and word of mouth opportunities.  When deemed necessary they attend Counseling, and AAA meetings, also they are required to attend ministerial services and Bible teachings.


The Emmanuel Social and Humanitarian Ministries is a faith based organization structured to provide, support and assist in the development of the total person through education, training, mentorship, counseling, and programs.

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